REF 1673400
19.11.2024 | Ajman | full time
answer customer questions by phone, email, webchat, social media or in person give quotations and check product availability sell products or services and take payments handle complaints or pass them to a supervisor add customer information onto a computer.
Applicants 6
REF 1673398
19.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
Perform key reception functions, answering phones and greeting visitors to the office: screen calls and visitors to determine nature of request or problem; refer to appropriate staff member or College office; take messages; make appointments; take standard information for billing, administrative or .
Applicants 4

Site Supervisor

REF 1673405
19.11.2024 | Abu Dhabi | full time
As the site supervisor, its your job to both assess and manage safety hazards in the workplace. Responsibilities may also include managing and instructing the site workers, setting goals for the team, and seeing projects through to completion.
Applicants 4
REF 1673399
19.11.2024 | Abu Dhabi | full time
Executive Secretaries act as pivotal communication hubs, liaising between executive teams and various departments They facilitate information flow, coordinating meetings, and disseminating directives.
Applicants 4
REF 1673404
19.11.2024 | Ajman | full time
Their responsibilities include managing a team of security personnel and delegating tasks. Additional tasks include monitoring performance and conducting daily briefings. They respond to incidents, monitor CCTV and security systems, and perform regular patrols to identify potential breaches.
Applicants 15
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