REF 1674788
22.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
answer customer questions by phone, email, webchat, social media or in person give quotations and check product availability sell products or services and take payments handle complaints or pass them to a supervisor add customer information onto a computer.
Applicants 4
REF 1674786
22.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
Preparing, organising and storing information in paper and digital form. Dealing with queries on the phone and by email. Greeting visitors at reception. Managing diaries, scheduling meetings and booking rooms.
Applicants 6
REF 1674787
22.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
Answers and responds to incoming calls, triage and distributes calls as needed. Receives payment and records receipts for services. Posts and balances daily batch. Makes bank deposits on a daily basis.
Applicants 2

Admin Coordinator

REF 1674783
22.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
Pays vendors, maintains facilities and office supply budget, and oversees other expenses necessary to the day-to-day administrative operations. Schedules meetings, answers phones, and maintains digital and physical records. Prepares agendas and takes notes at meetings and archives proceedings.
Applicants 10
REF 1674781
22.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
The missions of a VL driver include planning the route, securely loading goods, transportation, and delivery while respecting the planned routes and schedules.
Applicants 15
Advanced search