REF 1505452
11.04.2024 | Abu Dhabi | full time
Location: Abu Dhabi
Occupancy: full time
Typically a job would require a certain level of education.

Employers hiring for the pharmacovigilance scientist job most commonly would prefer for their future employee to have a relevant degree such as Bachelors and Masters Degree in Nursing, Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Health, Health Care, Natural Science, English, Science, Medical, Education
Experience: 5 years
Bachelor degree
Knowledge and experience in infectious diseases and/or vaccines is preferred
Ability to effectively present to cross-functional teams is required.Drug & Product Safety Science
Ability to effectively present to cross-functional teams is required
Provide clinical, regulatory and technical pharmacovigilance exper-tise to DS&E medical function & DS&E leadership
Lead the preparation of aggregate safety reports for newly launched Novartis products to meet regulatory requirements
Alert the Medical Safety Physicians to potential safety issues recog-nized through single case medical review or aggregated data sets
Salary: to be discussed
Employment visa provided
Transportation provided
Housing provided
Medical insurance provided
direct employer
more than 200 employees