
REF 1610020
28.08.2024 | Abu Dhabi | full time
Location: Abu Dhabi
Occupancy: full time
We are seeking an experienced Biotechnologist to join our team. The Biotechnologist will be responsible for researching and developing efficient and cost-effective solutions that use biological processes and materials to improve the quality of life. The successful candidate will have a strong understanding of scientific principles and apply them to real-world problems.

Biotechnologist Duties and Responsibilities:

-Develop and optimize biological processes for use in biotechnology applications.
-Analyze and evaluate data from experiments and develop new process engineering methods.
-Create reports documenting the research and development process.
Bachelor’s degree in biology.
More education or experience may be preferred.
Familiarity with specific organisms, conditions, or scientific processes may be required.
Strong understanding of biology, chemistry, and laboratory equipment and procedures.
Ability to work independently or with a team.
Willingness to travel to locations to conduct research.
Exceptional verbal and written communication skills.
Proficiency with computers, especially scientific databases.
Leadership experience may be a plus.
Salary: to be discussed
Employment visa provided
Medical insurance
direct employer
up to 50 employees